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Welfare Policies

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Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and at Virtue this is the ethos we use - ensuring everyone is trained and ready to address concerns, from our young volunteers all the way up to the club coaches.


Welfare policies

British Gymnastics Safeguarding Policy and Procedures\nSafeguarding children-safe environment\nSafeguarding children-safe recruitment\nSocial networking guidelines\nHealth, safety, and Welfare Guidance-Safe trips\nCriminal records check policy and guidelines


  • Reports from a member
  • Direct or reported observations
  • Significant changes in an individual
  • Reports from external parties


  • Club related eg. allegations about a Virtue member
  • External related eg. allegations that involve someone who is not connected to the club


All staff need to be aware of their safeguarding responsibilities and ensure that members in their care are kept safe at all times. They must report concerns to our welfare team. Our welfare team are responsible for responding to safeguarding concerns and are available to provide advice at all times.


All staff must be alert to the signs and triggers of abuse and neglect. All coaches who hold a minimum level 1 qualification are required by British Gymnastics to hold a safeguarding and child protection certificate. It is essential that everyone accepts the responsibility to report any information that may indicate that an individual is being abused or neglected or is abusing. Where a safeguarding concern is disclosed to a member of staff the responsibility for that information rests with the Virtue welfare team and not the individual. Confidentiality is vital and our team will ensure information is only disclosed on a need to know basis.


As a club we will challenge poor practice, even where there is a belief that the motives of an individual are well meaning. Failure to challenge poor practice can lead to an environment where abuse is more likely to take place. If an event arises we require a written report of the incident must be immediately emailed to a member of our welfare team.


Information sharing between organisations can be essential. The third-party organisations with whom safeguarding concerns may need to be shared include:

  • Statutory Authorities
  • Gymnastics organisations
  • Other organisations
  • British Gymnastics

Any information is given in confidence and there is a duty to ensure this information is kept confidential.

Any information relating to safeguarding concerns will be stored securely.\nWe will retain information about significant safeguarding concerns relating to members in a position of trust for a minimum of 10 years and/or any subsequent review.


If an individual discloses a concern they are provided with appropriate support. Where a member of staff or volunteer receives information about a safeguarding concern, they should explain to the individual to whom it relates that they have a responsibility to share the concern with the welfare team .

Where a report, concern or complaint is made there may be a number of types of investigation:

  • Criminal
  • Child Protection
  • Adult protection
  • Internal enquiry

The Safeguarding Team will conduct any necessary enquiries deemed necessary.


As part of any investigation and in order to afford protection for all parties concerned, we may impose protective measures, including the\ntemporary suspension of membership pending the outcome of investigations if the welfare team feel it is appropriate.

Where a participant is convicted of a criminal offence, the matter will be referred to BG Integrity Unit who will take any further action necessary in accordance with the British Gymnastics Complaints & Disciplinary policy.  

Safeguarding glossary

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