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welfare team

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Admin manager


Organised, thorough and very prompt. Tegan is your go to for any queries or questions! We couldn’t ask for a better office manager: kind, considerate and on the ball she meets our members needs and all with a beautiful smile on her face. An amazing fun addition to the office, an awesome welfare office and a dab hand with a paint brush we are lucky to have her in our gang!

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Welfare officer

Over five years experience working in a secondary school environment Nicola has an impressive welfare CV! Not only qualified in first aid and safeguarding but also a recognised qualification in mental health first aid which in our gym is invaluable! A Virtue parent who basically lives at our gym she is always on hand with an ear to listen.

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Welfare officer

There is so much to say about Rachel with a bachelors of education within religious education as well as being a local primary school head teacher there is nothing about children that she doesn’t know! A calm and kind member of the welfare team she is on site most days so feel free to say hi!

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Nicole will always be here to greet anyone with a beautiful smile on her face! Her bubbly personality always shines through and there is nobody better to be a face of Virtue. As a Virtue mum herself she knows the place inside out and is always happy to assist in any way possible. A qualified psychological wellbeing practitioner who is a member of our welfare team we are very lucky to have her.

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